TNF PRESENTS. Poppy de Villeneuve “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 1)

Poppy de Villeneuve – Love is Like Life but Longer maja@tnf: How did your adventure with filmmaking start? What’s your artist’s statement and motivation for making films? Poppy de Villeneuve: In a way my personal film making adventure began when I was a child and would sit with my mother watching television shows like Twin… Continue reading TNF PRESENTS. Poppy de Villeneuve “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 1)

Categorized as filmmaker, UK

new filmmaker Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” + an interview (full version)

Poppy de Villeneuve – Love is Like Life but Longer Interview in parts TNF Presents… Poppy de Villeneuve Love is Like Life but Longer (interview part 1) Film = Meaningful story: Poppy de Villeneuve: Love is Like Life but Longer (interview part 2) TNF Filmmaking Guide & Film Technique: Poppy de Villeneuve: Love is Like… Continue reading new filmmaker Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” + an interview (full version)