Rafa Martínez y Manuel Castañeda – Alfredo Guerrero de thenewfilmmaker: Cual es la história de este video? Rafa Martínez: No hay historia. Solo quería reflejar la obra de Guerrero y todo su proceso creativo tan honesto y real como fuera posible… Solo quise ser un vouyerista en su taller. thenewfilmmaker: Que te ha inspirado? Rafa… Continue reading [Spanish Interview] los nuevos cineastas Rafa Martínez e Manuel Castañeda: “Alfredo Guerrero”
Animation: Interview with a new filmmaker Tanya Aydostian
thenewfilmmaker: How do you develop in general the stories for your animation shorts and how did you develop in particular the story of L’autre ? What is the story around the sock? Tanya Aydostian: I have a particular interest in the “split personality”‘s subject and on all the different faces, “masks”, humans’ can wear… I… Continue reading Animation: Interview with a new filmmaker Tanya Aydostian