SOUND DESIGN FOR FILM. Tobias Gundorff Boesen: “Ghost” (interview – part 3)

Tobias Gundorff Boesen – Ghost maja@tnf: Regarding the significance of non-verbal elements in storytelling, we shouldn’t overlook the role of sound in your film. Please share a few details with us about the sound design process for “The Ghost”. Tobias Gundorff Boesen: I worked with Thomas Arent, who I known from Viborg. He wanted to… Continue reading SOUND DESIGN FOR FILM. Tobias Gundorff Boesen: “Ghost” (interview – part 3)

Categorized as DK, filmmaker

new filmmaker Laura Sicouri recreates the birth of the universe

thenewfilmmaker: What is the idea, story and visual concept behind your short film “HELLO BIG BANG” ? Laura Sicouri : The idea from the beginning was to re-create the birth of the universe through a complete surrealistic way. Visually, I wanted to use references from all those painters who had represented the creation of the… Continue reading new filmmaker Laura Sicouri recreates the birth of the universe