Temujin Doran – Ben Saunders: Killing Time maja@tnf: From idea development to finished film – a short, step-by-step guide to your filmmaking process: Temujin Doran: When I have an idea for a film, I usually start out by composing music for it, but in a loose way, so it can still be changed later, when… Continue reading TNF FILMMAKING GUIDE & FILM TECHNIQUE. Temujin Doran: Videos about Ben Saunders (interview part 3)
Category: filmmaker
FILM = adventure. Temujin Doran: Videos about Ben Saunders (interview part 2)
Temujin Doran – Ben Saunders: Living on Ice maja@tnf: In your first short film about him, Ben Saunders says that “there is something addictive about the Arctic Ocean and [that not many things in the world] can compare to the experiences that you have out there”. In the video “Living on Ice”, he points out… Continue reading FILM = adventure. Temujin Doran: Videos about Ben Saunders (interview part 2)