FILM = meaningful story. Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 2)

Poppy de Villeneuve – Love is Like Life but Longer maja@tnf: Can we consider your film’s title a kind of artistic statement? Poppy de Villeneuve: This varies project to project. Sometimes it is just a starting point and sometimes it explains everything. I’ve been thinking about this a lot as I’m trying to give a… Continue reading FILM = meaningful story. Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 2)

Categorized as filmmaker, UK

TNF HINTS. Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 6)

Poppy de Villeneuve – Love is Like Life but Longer TNF hints maja@tnf: Your important advice for those starting out with filmmaking: Poppy de Villeneuve: It is necessary to find your own voice, but this may take time. I have a tendency to rush certain things, yet the moment I slow down is often when… Continue reading TNF HINTS. Poppy de Villeneuve: “Love is Like Life but Longer” (interview part 6)

Categorized as filmmaker, UK