new filmmaker Simon Ellis: “Soft” & “Who killed Deon?”

Simon Ellis – “Soft” maja_bogaczewicz@tnf: What was your inspiration for “Soft”? Certainly, this film was done for a deep, honest purpose – was there also any personal reason behind it? Simon Ellis: There’s no personal reason behind it other than the interest I have in perceived masculinity, particularly its perception by men. maja@tnf:The striking “realism”… Continue reading new filmmaker Simon Ellis: “Soft” & “Who killed Deon?”

new filmmaker Nuno Rocha and his D.o.P. Pedro Negrão (an interview)

Nuno Rocha – “MOMENTOS” Interview with Nuno Rocha thenewfilmmaker: You are a Portugal-based filmmaker. What’s the story behind your short Momentos, is the plot based on a real story or even a personal story? Nuno Rocha: No. The story was not based on real events, although there was a research focusing the homeless people and… Continue reading new filmmaker Nuno Rocha and his D.o.P. Pedro Negrão (an interview)